Celebrate Good Times, Come On! (Day 30 Since Chemo)

In the last week (since Day 23 – February 13th), we have been waiting on Jasmine’s bone marrow levels to rise before they can begin Round 2 of chemo.

This past week was pretty quiet. On Friday night Jasmine spiked a fever and had a bad headache, and she was started on antibiotics right away. There was some fear that this would push back Round 2 of chemo and also keep Jasmine in isolation.

Jasmine made a wood burn design on the side of her new hamster cage. A fun project while home on a 4-hour pass!

On Saturday morning Christine met with the nurses and doctors. Jasmine did not have to be on isolation, and she was monitored over several hours to see if the fever would return. She only ended up having one fever that Friday night and has had no fevers since! This will delay treatment, but fevers are expected and the doctors were surprised it took her this long to develop one.

As of today (February 20th), Wednesday, there is much to CELEBRATE!

This is the update from Christine: “ALL counts are up on their own (bone marrow is recovering naturally) Yay!!! They are letting us go on an overnight pass.

Thursday: Come into the hospital at 9am for bloodwork and if all counts continue to rise, they will DISCHARGE us till Tuesday.

Friday: Come into hospital for bone marrow biopsy (then go home once it’s done).

Saturday, Sunday, Monday: At home.

Tuesday February 26th: Admitted back into hospital to start next round of chemotherapy.”

Moving out! (Till Tuesday, hopefully!)

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1

Prayer requests:

  1. Bone marrow continues to recover (RBC, platelets and WBC continue to rise)
  2. Jasmine remains healthy and free from infection
  3. Bone marrow biopsy procedure goes well and there is no sign of cancer cells
  4. Rest and rejuvenation over the next couple of days
  5. Strength and courage as we enter Round 2!

Prayer is making a huge difference on this journey. Thank you and do not stop!

PS. Next Tuesday, February 26th, will be WEAR ORANGE DAY for Jasmine’s first day of the new chemo cycle. Post photos wearing orange in the Facebook group Jasmine’s Army!

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